That I May Praise You, O Sacred Virgin
Pope Francis's recent remarks regarding titles given to Our Lady has led to various responses and it would be amiss not to mention that consternation is among them. The Holy Father was speaking initially of the title of Co-Redemptrix and commented that the invention of new titles and dogmas for Our Lady was 'foolishness' (see Crux report here). That said, his homily spoke eloquently of Our Lady and of her role in the Church, correctly pointing out that Our Lady is Mother and disciple (here is the Vatican website's version of the homily).
As Catholics we have to acknowledge that excessive Marian piety has to be avoided, rather than give due honour to Our Lady, it can get in the way of the proper worship that due to God; as Francis correctly reminds us, she “never stole for herself anything that was of her son,” she served him as Mother and disciple. Our Lady is indeed humble, she does not exalt herself, it is God who exalts her, and that exaltation is always in the context of her role in the Church. That said, God delights in crowning her with honours, and the faithful delight in giving her titles of devotion because, as Francis correctly points out, they love her. What child does not want to honour its mother?
The titles of Our Lady, however, are not, and should not be, mere pious expressions of devotion; in reality they are all derived from her role in the economy of salvation. I would see that all the official titles are derived from three aspects of her life and mission: the New Eve, the Mother of God and the Perfect Disciple. All privileges, honours and titles are derived from at least one of these and all of them lead us to a deeper understanding of who she is, who her Son is and what he has done.
Regarding dogmas - they cannot be invented - dogmas are part of the deposit of the Faith. When a dogma is formally defined, the Immaculate Conception, the Assumption, it is not an invention, but rather the reiteration of what was revealed and believed. If the titles/roles of Co-Redemptrix, Advocate and Mediatrix are defined or proclaimed as dogmas in the furture, they will have to be understood as being revealed and believed, not necessarily by individual popes and prelates, but by the Church. It is interesting to note in this regard that neither St Thomas Aquinas nor St Bernard of Clairvaux believed in the Immaculate Conception - they believed Our Lady was sinless, but not from the moment of her conception. It is also interesting to remember that Blessed John Duns Scotus, who did believe and taught the dogma, was considered dodgy by some for this belief. So the fact that certain great minds do not accept the proposed doctrines does not mean that at some point in the future theology may deepen our understanding and lead to a proclamation. One cannot rule out the possibility that the Marianologist Mark Miravalle, who sought the proclamation of these titles, might turn out to be another Duns Scotus.
Back to the titles and the three aspects of Our Lady's role. The first title accorded to Our Lady in the Scriptures overtly is the 'Mother of the Lord' - this led the first disciples to understand who she was. Later, the Church would proclaim her as the Mother of God and in doing so, sought to lead the faithful to understand who Christ is: that title of Our Lady is a guarantee of the orthodoxy of the Faith, it is a defence against Nestorianism. This is the role of all her dogmas and titles, they reveal the Faith.
The Immaculate Conception, for example, is a privilege and a title deeply immersed in God's plan of salvation. It is the manifestation of the New Eve, it prepares her for her role as Mother of God and equips her for her role as Mother of the Church and Type of the Church. This privilege is revealed as a title in Scripture - the Archangel Gabriel hails her by this title at the Annunciation: Kaire Kecharitomene - Hail, 'Filled With Grace' - it was this title which led to Our Lady being disturbed, it was so exalted for a humble young woman, she was confused at being greeted as sinless. When she appeared at Lourdes, when asked her name, this was the title she used, 'I am the Immaculate Conception'. The parish priest of Lourdes was confused at first when he heard it because, while he understood the privilege, he seemed not to understand that is also a title, chronologically, the first title revealed in Scripture, though not as obviously as Mother of the Lord later in the New Testament.
If we go down through the Litany of Loreto, we will see that every title is derived from at least one of the three aspects of her life and role. Some are easy: Mother of our Creator, Mother of our Saviour, Mother of the Church, Mother of Divine Grace, Mother most pure. Virgin most faithful, for example, reveals the fidelity of the New Eve in comparison with the old one, and speaks of her continuing fidelity in the Church as model for us. Ark of the Covenant is obvious too: she is the one who carries the New Covenant who is Christ, but also the purity and singularity of the New Eve. It is also a Eucharistic reference as we remember that the original ark contained some of the manna given to the Israelites. The French composer, Olivier Messiaen, in one of his works reflects on the Eucharistic dimension of the Annunciation and calls it 'The First Communion of the Virgin'. As Health of the Sick and Refuge of Sinners, Our Lady's role in the Church is revealed as intercessor and mother. As Queen, she is not only seen as the One crowned in heaven for her discipleship, but also the Scriptural role of the mother of the king, of a new Esther who intercedes for the people, again the New Eve who turns to care for her children rather than leads them to destruction as did the first.
There is so much more that can be said, but enough for now. We may see, in time, how things develop with regard to the proposed titles: it is in God's hands. But for now, there is enough to meditate on with what has been proclaimed and understood. As the Holy Father reminded us in his homily, to understand her as Mother and disciple is vital and if we embrace that and make it relevant for our own lives, then we shall deepen our relationship with her and become better Christians.
We fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God;
despise not our petitions in our necessities,
but deliver us from all dangers,
O glorious and blessed Virgin.
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